Men’s Fashion Tips: Men’s Pants Fit Guide

You’re a shorts kind of guy. Gym shorts, vintage shorts, snappers—you don’t care what they are, you’ll wear them. But at some point, even you are going to have to wear a new pair of men’s pants.
Fortunately, well-fitting, fashionable men’s pants can feel every bit as breezy and comfortable as your favorite pair of shorts—as long as you know how to shop for new pants… and how to wear them. In this article, we provide a quick men’s pants fit guide to help you find the perfect pair for you.
Buying Men’s Pants that Fit: The Basics
Simply put, no pair of pants—no matter how fashionable—will look good unless they fit properly. But what do we mean by “fit properly”? Use this simple men’s pants fit guide:
- Tape measure. There’s nothing that will provide an accurate look at your current leg situation than the cold, hard numbers. If you can’t accurately measure yourself, measure your best-fitting pair of pants and do your best to find an equivalent online.
- Rules of thumb. Do your pants stay on even without the assistance of a belt? That’s a good sign that they’re not far too big for your hips. Do the pant legs go all the way down to the floor? They’re too long.
In short, men’s pants fit when they’re comfortable without leaving excess fabric billowing or scuffing along the ground. If your current pants don’t match this profile, it’s time to invest in a new pair.
Buying Men’s Pants that Match Your Lifestyle
If you’re a T-shirt-and-jeans kind of guy, great. You already know what you need. For most social situations, your work is done. But not everyone can wear jeans all the time. If that’s the case for you as well, you’re going to need to know what styles will be the best men’s pants for you. Here are our recommendations:
- For a casual, stylish look: Vintage Twill Pants. These are the kinds of pants you can wear to the office or out on a date. They’re casual men’s pants, but not too They’re dressy, but not too dressy. If you want to break out of the world of jeans, this is the safest best.
- For an outdoorsy vibe: Stretch Twill Pants. These don’t just look With the stretchy material, they’re actually designed to handle a more adventurous lifestyle without sacrificing the style of the Vintage Twill.
- For cold weather: Stretch Corduroy. These warm-yet-stretchy pants will help keep you comfortable if you’re searching for a cool-weather trouser that keeps the weather where it belongs: outside.
Men’s Pants Fit Guide: To Cuff or Not To Cuff
Once you know the best men’s pants to buy, you’ll need to focus on how to wear them. These days, “cuffing” the bottom of your pants is in vogue. “Cuffing” means turning up the bottom hems of your pants and folding them over. This “shortens” the overall pants while often providing contrasting color for the outfit.
If you have to cuff your pants, they don’t fit. It’s as simple as that. If you’re unsure how to pull off this look, you should consider our complimentary hemming service as a “shortcut” for ensuring that your pants go down to just the right point over your ankle and foot.
Men’s Pants Fit Guide: What’s next?
Follow the tips and rules above and you’ll narrow your list of quality pants down considerably. Simply pick the one that suits your taste, your lifestyle, and of course, your individual fit. And, of course, always keep an eye out for a sale on men’s pants here at Vintage.