Stretch Snappers
Wearing a pair of our men's snapper shorts is the perfect way to enjoy the summer heat!
Benefit #1: Ease of Travel
Perhaps the most obvious benefit of less fabric is that it means shorter shorts will be lighter and breezier. But this benefit is often overlooked: it’s easy to travel with 5” shorts like our Stretch Snappers. They roll up easily, take up little space, and generally keep out of the way. That means you’ll have more room for your weekend travel kit or your extended summer vacation bags.
Although packing even 9” length shorts is generally not going to cause you any trouble, extended vacations and camping trips can render luggage space even more important. To keep it light, consider reducing your fabric requirements—without sacrificing the quality of the shorts.
Benefit #2: Cost

The equation is simple: less fabric often means less cost. And with less cost means the ability to buy up a few different pairs of great men’s summer short shorts! Luckily, Vintage 1946 gives you plenty of colors to choose from. You can get plenty of versatility out of an option like Khaki, but also consider the following colors for a touch of brightness in your summer wardrobe:
These are just a few of the available options, but this should give you an idea of the full range of what Stretch Snappers can do to mix things up. Be sure to check out our full collection for more options.
Benefit #3: Temperature Control
There’s no doubt about it: Stretch Snappers are summer shorts. These men’s short shorts are perfect for hot weather, giving you maximum skin exposure to the air to catch the breeze. You’ll do a better job at keeping cool and hydrated if you dress appropriately for the climate. These shorts will do you just fine.
Benefit #4: Mixing It Up
If you want to try something new, don’t focus solely on color. There are other ways to mix up your wardrobe. Varying your shorts length is one way to keep things interesting. This simple change can result in an outfit that looks drastically different than the same one with a pair of 7” shorts. Buy a pair of Stretch Snappers to add a new dimension to time-tested styles.
Benefit #5: Simplicity
You have to admire the simple minimalism at work when you try out a solid-colored pair of Stretch Snappers. These are more than just a fun pair of men’s summer short shorts. They’re also a great way to enjoy a simple article of clothing in a wide range of situations. Sure—they might not be office-appropriate… But they can be the most fun article of clothing you own! This is especially true if you want to get out of your shell, enjoy the hot weather, and have a good time.
The beauty of Snappers is that they hide their secret convenience well: they look just as formal and social as any other pair of shorts or pair of pants you can find on the market. But it is a good idea to know how to pair them with other clothes to pull off a consistent look:
Stay beltless. You’re free to use a belt if you like, of course, but the minimalistic Snappers look works perfectly with minimalistic clothes; T-shirts, polos, button downs, etc. They generally suit a more casual look.
When it comes to shoes, go wild. Snappers make a perfect accompaniment to just about any shoe you have in your wardrobe—from the most casual of casual sneakers all the way up to desert boots and more.
More From Vintage 1946
Want more shorts and other ideas for enjoying the hot summer weather? Browse all the men’s vintage inspired clothing at Vintage 1946 today.