Men’s Seersucker Golf Shorts From Vintage 1946
When it comes to simple clothing like shorts, admit it: you don’t always feel like you need to know everything. And maybe that’s true, to an extent. But it doesn’t mean that you can’t improve your life by investing in a quality fabric weave like seersucker—especially if you know why you should make that investment in the first place. That’s why we’ve put together a brief guide on men’s seersucker golf shorts. Find great pieces and enjoy recommendations for styling these shorts with the rest of your wardrobe.
What Is Seersucker?
The trademark appearance of seersucker derives from the way it’s constructed. The pattern weave creates concentrations of threads, which then tend to bunch together. This gives seersucker a dotted, wrinkled, and even “puckered” kind of appearance. This is a huge advantage for the fabric weave come golf season. This natural puckering effect keeps much of the fabric away from the skin, allowing for the free flow of air without the entirety of the fabric blowing around in the breeze. Seersucker achieves both a solid look and a breezy feel that few other patterns can even touch.Seersucker is a fabric weave constructed out of cotton. Cotton is the material, but seersucker is about what’s done with that cotton.
Where Did Seersucker Come From?
Seersucker also took root during the British colonial period, when British soldiers were still required to wear uniforms in oppressive, tropical heat. Seersucker became the fabric pattern of choice because of its practicality. Bottom line? This is the perfect material even for your mid-summer golf games.The word “seersucker” actually has Persian roots—deriving from the terms for “milk” and “sugar.” But its popularity in the United States began in the south (specifically, from New Orleans). According to NPR, when a New Orleans merchant was searching for a light-weight style of suit that could withstand the oppressive New Orleans heat, the merchant eventually discovered the summer-friendly fabric weave. When Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott instituted “Seersucker Thursday” on Capitol Hill and California’s Dianne Feinstein jumped on board, the vintage style started a revival that continues to this day.
Adding Seersucker To Your Wardrobe
Just because seersucker golf shorts are great as a “deep summer” piece doesn’t mean you have to consign it to the middle of June through the dog days of August. You can wear seersucker on any day in which you need a little bit of breeziness without sacrificing the quality of your clothes.
The reason seersucker suits gained so much popularity in the 20th century, after all, is that they combined comfort with a traditional look. Think of them as breezy casual pants that you can dress up. They’re a great addition for any summer wardrobe!
But you don’t have to stop there. Consider adding another timeless classic—Linen Shorts—to your collection this summer. Combined with your seersucker additions, you’ll have a completely different look from the standard cotton khakis for your golf games.